Solo Spice

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Victoria       Emma Bunton     Melanie B     Melanie C

January 2001 (Paul)

Solo Spice: Melanie B

Name:           Melanie B    

Spice Name: Scary Spice


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Mel B Goes Solo...

Melanie B has had a rough solo career it seems. It began on the last night of the Spice Girls World Tour, when she was the first Spice Girl to have a solo single and a solo number 1! The song 'I Want You Back' was a collaboration with an established hip/hop artist, Missy Elliot. This move was a good indication of what Mel had in plan for her solo career.

The song was a success for Virgin, and they were very keen for Mel to do her next single. The next single did not appear until June 1999, when a cover of Cameo's 'Word Up' was released. Unfortunately the money Virgin had invested back-fired; the song barely managed to get into the top fifteen.

For a while Melanie took a step back from her music, and only in September 2000 did she venture out with some new work. Her first track of her album was 'Tell Me' a message to her ex husband Jimmy Gulzar who she had publicly divorced. The song got Melanie back in the top five, when it reached number 4.

'Feels So Good' was the next track to be taken from the album, and although originally scheduled for December 2000, the track was only released in February 2001. This also got into the top five, reaching number 5.

Melanie's solo contract with Virgin was hanging in the balance as her album 'Hot', which was released in October 2000, two weeks before the Spice Girls' third album, 'Forever' had poor sales.

Rumour had it that she had to get in the top 5 with the final single of the album, 'Lullaby' in order for the contract to be continued.

Despite her denying this, she only managed to get to number 13 in the UK Top 40. This was an unlucky number for Mel, because months later Virgin dropped her. She is still signed as a Spice Girl, but is free to sign for a solo contract. She has been offered and is considering new record deals. But, with her TV show 'This Is My Moment' being such a success in the Summer of 2001, fans should be left wondering whether we should expect any more studio albums from Melanie B.

In October 2001, Mel confirmed that any more music from her would not begin production until late 2002.

Melanie B's Releases...

ingles:                     Reached:

I Want You Back        Number 1 (UK)   - Released September 1998
Word Up                    Number 14 (UK) - Released June 1999
Tell Me                       Number 4 (UK)   - Released September 2000
Feels So Good            Number 5 (UK)   - Released February 2001
Lullaby                        Number 13 (UK) - Released May 2001


Hot                             Number 28 (UK) - Released November 2000

200,000 copies sold worldwide (2001)

Mel B's CD's..



'I Want You Back'                              'Word Up'


'Tell Me'                                             'Feels So Good'


